Friday, April 3, 2009

Clearing My Head

my room is a mess
my desktop is a mess
my closet is a mess
my table is a mess
my life is a mess

major clean up time and reorganization of my life.

I'm just hanging in there.


Fashion Trend Guide said...

In response to the GO vest, there were several of each size. It's new, so I think it's from the current Private Label collection, but it's not online for some reason. Maybe I can buy it and ship it to you if you want to work something out...

Ahleessa said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, and commenting! :)

Lol~ The panda is so adorable!!!

tis serendipity said...

AWww... hang in there alright!!

my room's a perpetual mess too. closet too. table too. GARHHH.

(btw, thanks for your comment! :p i got that bag from Ruche, the online store! Ahhh it's so great that you managed to thrift your black blazer. There aren't really any thrift stores in s'pore for me to scour great stuff in so am always in envy at the amazing stuff you guys can get from thrift stores!)

Amee said...

LOL that panda is so cute! Are there not any good finds at Austin? I heard it's a hit and miss there. I met a lady who bought the most amazing Prada clutch at the one in Austin. The one in Katy Mills is pretty good, but the best ones are in Dallas, TX!! Thanks for reading my blog :)

。 。 。 said...

Ahhh, same goes for me. It looks like my closet just threw up everything I've ever purchased.
And that panda is ADORABLEEEEE!

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

oh my, that is the cutest photo!! :D

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