I can't decide if I like the brown or black one more but I am learning towards the brown since I have an overabundance of black heels and not one single pair of brown ones... suggestions please?

I also really want these Target heels, they look almost identical to the Sergio Rossi ones. I don't like the exposed zipper on the Sergio Rossi anyway so I'm glad the Target pair doesn't have them! I tried them on in store and they are surprisingly very comfortable and easy to walk in. That's a lot coming from me since I am quite clumsy when it comes to heels...

I like the gladiator look, but only when it's done right without a million straps. I like these DKNY sandals because they don't overload with the caged look. To me they are reminiscent of the Elizabeth and James ones but not as extreme.
Thank you for stopping by my blog. :)
As for the shoes, I think you should go for the black ones. I think the wooden heel is enough to not making it all so black? You know? I realized if you're someone who always owns black shoes and then get brown, you'll just have a hard time trying to pair the brown ones with anything you own. I realized if you went slow, like perhaps get a nude heel, it's much easier to pair it with. :)
Also. go get the Target heels! They look fantastic!
OMG those first heels are AMAZING. where are they from? they look like aldo??? both colors look really great! and i just saw someone else online with those target heels and im sooo jealous there's no target in hk ): ): ):
I would go for the brown ones!
Pretty shoes! =)
Amazing heels!!!
thanks for your comment dear and happy weekend,
A couple days ago I was going to buy a pair of heels (in brown) that look very very similar to http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_3N5OFrtlW18/SnSBTpIa6_I/AAAAAAAAAV8/1YN3AblzlHQ/s1600-h/sergio-rossi-black-multi-strapped-zipper-back-sandal.jpg
But I didn't buy it because, when worn, they reminded me of a wrapped ankle (I recently sprained my ankle and had it wrapped for over a week... which is why my brain had that immediate connection). But now I regret not buying them. I want them!
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